Poor little haram piggy, going to spend laylatul-qadr under lockdown…all alone with nothing but his desperate penis and Shaytaana’s overwhelming Wiswas! I bet your melting deep down inside at the mere thought of making Sujood for me, aren’t you? Yes of course you are- even in Ramadan, even in LAYLATUL-QADR, you are still my desperately hopeless little addict. Well, fortunately (?) for you, Shaytaana’s hasn’t forgetten about you. Actually, I’ve prepared a very special detailed Salat just for your junkie-penis. Don’t worry, I’ll be your imam as I lead you in Shaytaana’s Rakat. But beware, beta-bitch piggy, this is the real deal. Wudhu, Ruku, Sujood, Tashahhud, I’m guiding you through the whole thing. In other words, I’m sealing your heart eternally for Shaytaana. Permanently under the shade of my divine ass, where you so desparately crave to belong.
Date: January 18, 2022
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