When you stumble upon me reading at article on my laptop, your curiosity leads you discover how I truly feel about my butt. It's too big, so I am looking up exercises I can do that will get it more in shape and tight. But you could not disagree more! Asking me to show you my butt, I incredulously refuse, as any good Mommy would. With some compliments and encouragement, I decide I will and lift my robe to expose my round, giggly tan lined butt. It goes without saying that physical proof of your attraction to your own Mommy's butt cheeks inflates my ego so much so that I take it all off--talking dirty as I clench, smack, clap and model my glorious mounds of soft flesh. Let's take this horizontal, shall we, while I lay on my belly and turn over my shoulder to encourage you to nutt on all over my fine ass
Date: May 6, 2023
Actors: Bettie Bloem
Ass / Ass Worship / Butt / Dirty / Femdom / Model / Mommy / Round / Tight / WorshipAss Worship5, Femdom Pov
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