I think we should have a little chat step-son. Now you’ve been moved back in for a couple of months, and I’m glad you’ve taken to my house rules so readily. I see the chastity cage I require is still strapped firmly around your tiny cock, but it’s time we established some new house rules. You see, I think it’s time we changed your everyday activities and dress. I got you this cute bra and panty set. Why? Well, you need a new uniform for your new job. You’re going to be my little sissy maid. This is how you’re going to make up to me the fact that you’ve been living here for free. You’re going to be my live-in sissy from now on. After all, it’s what you are anyways.Keywords: Female Domination, Free, Femdom Pov, Pov, Taboo, Chastity, Locked Dick, Cock Locked, Cock Cage, Keyholder, Chastity Device, Chastity Tease, Sissy Training, Sissy Slut, Sissy, Feminization, Forced Fem, Feminisation, Sissification, Forced Crossdressing, Strapon, Pov Strap-On, Strap-On, Strap On, Dildo, Pegging, Slave Training, Submissive Training, Sub Training, Slut Training, Goddess Alexandra Snow
Date: September 6, 2021
Actors: Goddess Alexandra Snow3
Chat / Cock / Couple / Cute / Dick / Dildo / Domination / Female / Femdom / Forced / Goddess / Maid / Mom / Pov / Sissy / Slave / Sluts / Son / Stepmom / Strapon / Submissive / Taboo / UniformGoddess Alexandra Snow6, Femdom Pov8, Pov8, Taboo1, Chastity26, Locked Dick, Cock Locked, Cock Cage, Keyholder, Chastity Device, Chastity Tease, Sissy Training, Sissy Slut, Sissy4, Alexandra Snow
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